Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 - Discover Your Ideal Self

The ideal me is organised, not rushing around all the time.  I can find things easily at home; I have time for family and friends without feeling like I should be doing other things while I’m with them.  I have time to exercise regularly so I am not breaking into a sweat at every effort.  I can play with the children in my life for afternoons at a time.  My house and life is not perfectly clean and organized, but it is good enough and I am happy with that.  I understand that other people may not do things as well as I would like, but I accept that they help me and that is enough.  Cleaning and organizing has become routine, so I can put the emphasis on my friends, family and home life

3 baby steps
1-Do a top to bottom spring clean on my day off on Monday, treat it like a work for me day, with scheduled breaks etc so that I spend the whole day checking things off my list.

2-Anything not finished on Monday, I will re-evaluate if it is really essential to be done, or and I just trying to be perfect.

3-Schedule cleaning time for next week and stick to it.

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